Social:Dreamers in the Valley
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Dreamers in the Valley is an Imladris Server Alliance comprised of role-play kinships who have agreed to become allies with the other members of Dreamers in the Valley.
This alliance was founded by Eledu, who is also the founder and Lord of Something Awesome.
Alliances are formed when there is a common goal between kinships. Dreamers in the Valley recognizes role-playing kinships on the server who wish to strengthen the relationships between and network with other kinships whose primary function is role-playing. The kinleaders and successors of kinships which join the alliance become part of the Council of Dreams; any character belonging to a kinship which has joined the alliance may choose to be referred to as a Dreamer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the point of joining Dreamers in the Valley?
Alliances are awesome, and since we're Something Awesome, it seemed like a really good idea. We just got our kinhouse, and ran out of goals, so this seemed like the next logical step.
The point of joining is to have a network of roleplaying kinships who can work together to promote various in-game events, or even just to have the knowledge of other kinships who are looking for in-game roleplay on a more random basis. This could be an evening at the Prancing Pony, a role-played skirmish, or a more elaborate event. It's also a helpful place for newer role-play kins to network with members of the more established role-play kins on the server.
What are the benefits of joining Dreamers in the Valley?
Everything above, plus, you can come over to the Something Awesome kinhouse and marvel at our whiskeyfish collection. You can also brag that your kin is part of an alliance. Other benefits currently pending.
Is there a limit to how many members can join Dreamers in the Valley?
We don't think so. We think we should ask the Servant of the Process, but he's really, really busy right now and we didn't want to bother him. We'll just go with 'a lot' and hope we don't reach 'too many'.
Our goal is to have a lot of fun. And since they say, 'the more the merrier', well, we don't really know who 'they' are, but we think they should join this alliance. And you should, too. If you have a role-play kinship.
How do Dreamers stay in contact with each other?
The rainbow connection. Also, the kinleaders and lead officer (successor) of all of the allied kins form the Council of Dreams. All of the information trickles down like a waterfall in Rivendell, which is in a valley, which is how we came up with the name. Also, letters.
What are the requirements to join Dreamers in the Valley?
The only requirements are to be a Rank Four or higher kinship whose primary function is role-playing and knows how to put the fun in function.
What must I do to join Dreamers in the Valley?
A letter should be sent to either Lord Eledu or Seneschal Gwyndir in-game inquiring about the alliance. Once unofficially accepted, a time and place will be chosen for role-play to occur between the Something Awesome kinleaders and designated members of your kinship, which will lead to official acceptance into the alliance. Also, pie.
Who is the founder of Dreamers in the Valley?
Lord Eledu founded Dreamers in the Valley on September 6, 2011. Because this is what happens when Lord Eledu gets injured and has nothing to do. Broken legs, found a kinship. Lose your sight, build an alliance. (Kingdom would be next, but Elven-kings seem to have terrible luck staying alive, so that is probably not a future option.)
What's the catch?
The catch of the day is whiskeyfish, but there is no 'catch' to joining Dreamers in the Valley. We play together, we have fun together, we RP together.
Wait... whiskeyfish?
Yes. Because aleyfish are too foamy.
Current Dreamers
Something Awesome - Founders of Dreamers in the Valley (Joined September 6, 2011) Lord: Eledu; Seneschal: Gwyndir
The Blade Reforged - Dwarf Kinship (Joined October 7, 2011) Lord, Father: Thraindan Ironkeeper; Seneschal: Drofi Ironclad
The Foes of Morgoth - Hobbit Kinship (Joined November 21, 2011) Chief , Founder: Thafled Brockhouse; Assistant Chief: Ecthillost Ravenholt
Children of Arda - Elven Kinship (Joined December, 2011) Hiril: Zhie; Caun: Ellonur
Rainbow in the Dark - Men Kinship (Joined January, 2012) Leader: Prinzvalliant;