This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Lead by Mirthond Drakenfist, Dolarad is a group of great friends interested in the joys of playing LOTRO in all aspects. There is an RPing theme based around the Drakenfist family ruling Dolarad, and the Dolarad army. We have an officer who creates and encourages kin skirmishes. There are also some skilled crafters. Dolarad welcomes all newcomers of all levels, races, and classes.
Group skirmishes are being done more and more regularly, the consist of usually doing raids of Gondamon Siege.
The Kinship members are going to be slowly given ranks as we see how they fit into the group skirmish experience for the kin. The position of Lord Marshall is currently held by Mirgar Drakenfist
Lord Marshall
Role Playing
The RPing of Dolarad is based on the ruling family of the Drakenfist Clan.
The ruling family of Dolarad
Mirgar Drakenfist
The father of the Drakenfist family and the past leader of Dolarad and Our Darkest Hour, the leader of the Dolarad army he holds the title of Lord Marshall. Mirgar is also married to Gorvoth Drakenfist.
Mirthond Drakenfist
The Tûr (Leader) of Dolarad as well as its Einior (Founder). Married to Bungaphor Deathbringer