Social:Dances With Ents

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Wandering With Ents
Wandering With Ents Banner
World: Treebeard
Founded: 30 June 2021
Founder: Treebeo
Leader: Andreanora
Co-leader: Ambor
Kin Hall: Tol Falthui
Homestead: Pel Caun
Region: Belfalas Homesteads


Wandering With Ents is a mixed-race kinship that welcomes characters of all classes, races, and genders.
Founded on the day Treebeard launched, Wandering With Ents is a diverse, multi-national, kinship with players in time zones from all over the world.

Kinship History

  • Founded by Treebeo on 30 June 2021, Wandering With Ents formerly known as Dances With Ents is a growing kinship that prides itself on participating in all aspects of Middle Earth. As the server has grown, so has Wandering With Ents. We have a Discord server, a kinship house, and plenty of helpful members. Whether you enjoy group content including raiding and instances, crafting, participating in festivals, or just hanging out in chat, Wandering With Ents does it all.


  • WANDERING WITH ENTS is an active Rank 10 kinship that is looking for new members! We help each other through the great journey of Middle Earth and we put great emphasis on a very personal, friendly, and stress-free atmosphere. We also hold regular raids and other group content. Regardless of experience, we embrace all players. Interested? Message me!


  • Robrelloth
  • Brian (Tinnuviel / Taraguzbad)
  • Usun
  • Kalendish
  • Meldalviel
  • Serentine

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