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The first Aklamirrian Yule party. The photographer, Melonii, is in the front on the railing.
World: Gladden
Founded: October 2020
Founder: Narangren Tirthallion
Leader: Trera Wareagle
Co-leader: Trera Wareagle
Kin Hall: 5 Bay Road, Nan Tiriel
Homestead: Cape of Belfalas
Region: Worldwide


Aklamir is a rank 10, Gladden based, mixed charter kinship, focused on building camaraderie and helping each other. No one is forced to do anything and the officers care about your individual well-being. The kin hall has full amenities useable by any member.

Kinship Identity

The Aklamir kinship, the name of which means "Precious Light," began as a solo kinship for Narangren, which it more or less remained for a year. Today it is a group dedicated to helping others and spreading the "Gladden Spirit" of kindness. Our kinship motto is "a hauta sinome," which means "rest here," and our colors are blue and gold.

How We Operate

The Officer team works together, and seeks input from the membership, to make decisions. The stated goal of the Officer team is to keep our members safe, and ensure enjoyment. We take the suggestions of our membership and we act on them. All have a say in what goes on and all activities are fully optional. If there are issues of any sort, the Officers want to know so we can resolve it.


Requirements on new members are few. We not only accept, but encourage, new players. If you are having an issue figuring out how to get started, want a social group, or just need questions answered, we have something for all.


The kinship features an optional Discord server with weekly sale and code announcements, reaction roles, voice channels, event reminders, activity specific channels, and more. Participation is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged.

Join the Discord!


The group holds large, invite your friends, parties every three months, smaller parties occur spontaneously. Instance events are scheduled when there is interest, and we hold several games throughout the year. In addition, during each festival we hold an event relating to it at the beginning.

Kin Hall

Our kin hall features a full suite of crafting stations, premium and regular ingredient chest, vault keeper, supplier, barber, stable master, training dummy, bee hive, snowball arena, large chest of crafting materials, and a lore hall filled with audio-journal decoration items, trophies, maps, and more!

Other Links

None at this time.