Rohirrim Patron Coffers

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The Rohirrim Patron Coffers are available between December 5, 2024 - December 18nd, 2024 in the LOTRO Store: Featured Items section for a limited time only! Get them before they disappear.

Patron's Luxuriant Coffer of the Rohirrim Patron's Enhanced Coffer of the Rohirrim Patron's Simple Coffer of the Rohirrim
Title: "of the Rohirrim" Title: "of the Rohirrim" Title: "of the Rohirrim"
Title: "Rohan's Shield" Title: "Rohan's Shield"
Title: "Rides to War"
500 Mithril Coin  250 Mithril Coin  100 Mithril Coin 
6 Lesser Elixirs of Virtue  Lesser Elixir of Virtue
Tome of the Herding Dog of the Rohirrim Tome of the Herding Dog of the Rohirrim
Grant the Milestone Style of the Rohirrim Emote
Steed of the Rohirrim & War-steed Appearance
Weapon Aura of the Rohirrim Weapon Aura of the Rohirrim
Normal Weapon Aura Normal Weapon Aura
Cloak of the Rohirrim Cloak of the Rohirrim Cloak of the Rohirrim
Ceremonial Sword of the Rohirrim Ceremonial Sword of the Rohirrim Ceremonial Sword of the Rohirrim
Ceremonial Shield of the Rohirrim Ceremonial Shield of the Rohirrim
Armour of the Rohirrim
Hooded Cloak of the Rohirrim
Helm of the Rohirrim
Shoulder-guards of the Rohirrim
Gauntlets of the Rohirrim
Boots of the Rohirrim
7,495 LOTRO Point  3,995 LOTRO Point  1,595 LOTRO Point 

Important Information

  • No upgrade offers are available.
  • Each Patron's Coffer of the Rohirrim can be purchased once per account. While players can purchase each Coffer tier, the only benefit of acquiring a lower tier Coffer package would be any Mithril or Virtue XP included.
  • The Mithril and Lesser Elixirs of Virtue are delivered once to your account on the character you are logged into when making your purchase.
  • The Patron's Coffers of the Rohirrim are only available to purchase in the LOTRO Store once you have a character logged into the game world. These Coffers are not available to purchase from the Character Select screen.
