Ranger Maedhrusc

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This page is about the Ranger in the Free Peoples' Camp. For the Barterer in Mirkwood, see Maedhrusc. For the Champion Trainer in Harndirion, see Maedhrusc (Harndirion)
Ranger Maedhrusc
Image of Ranger Maedhrusc
Gender Male
Race Man
Region North Downs
Area Fields of Fornost
Settlement Treasure Hunters' Camp
Map Ref [8.0S, 56.0W]


Ranger Maedhrusc was found at the Treasure Hunters' Camp, in the North Downs. His name is Sindarin for "Clever as a Fox".

Quest Involvement


"You are a hero amongst us all, <name>."
"This was once the home of our fathers and the capitol of Arnor...now the enemy has corrupted it."