Quest Talk:A Dreary, Untidy Mess

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Quest Start-location?

Background: This is my second turn over all quests with "problematic" starting location *.
What is the starting location of this quest? Landscape, sure, but what is the most likely area? Or maybe it should be a region? — Zimoon 18:07, 21 May 2022 (UTC)

As far as I recall, it doesn't matter where you are- it auto-bestows when you hit level 90 or 95 (possibly also need the West Rohan expac, or needed before the last changes to free-to-play). If we really need to give it a location, I would say broadly West Rohan. Not unlike Quest:The Kharum-ubnâr Need You!. I can poke around on assorted alts some time if you'd like better confirmation than that tho. -- Thalion (talk) 20:00, 21 May 2022 (UTC)
You are on point, looking inside LotroCompanion's XML file I see something that indicates that now. LS displays that as a dual objective: "Search for ..." and "Reach level 95". Which is LC's interpretation of the data but usually they are correct. In that case a character can reach 95 anywhere on Middle-earth and a starting location will be bogus, even if the likelihood is West Rohan. I will tag it for without location. Many thanks! — Zimoon 11:33, 22 May 2022 (UTC)