Quest:Zidir-nesad: The Jewel of Masal

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Zidir-nesad: The Jewel of Masal
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Pit of Stonejaws
Ends with Plaque of Masal
Ends at Akhaldarâg
End Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [40.1S, 115.9W]
Quest Group Gundabad
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Rísti Graver, the greatest foreman of the Ironfold, has learned the location of the sacred Jewel of Masal. While the jewel has been found, it will take a skilled hero to recover it and return it to the throne! You should seek out Rísti Graver as soon as you are able.


The sacred Jewel of Masal has been found.

Objective 1

Rísti Graver can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Rísti Graver.

Rísti Graver: 'I have learned of a clue to the location of the sacred Jewel of Masal! Its name has been found, inscribed upon a plaque within the Pit of Stonejaws. Many have searched, but no one knows what the plaque means of where the jewel is located! I ask you to try your hand at locating the jewel, my friend.'

Objective 2

  • Seek out the Plaque of Masal

The Jewel of Masal may be found somewhere in the Pit of Stonejaws.

You should seek out the plaque referencing the Jewel of Masal.

You discover a plaque bearing the name of the jewel

Objective 3

  • Examine the Plaque of Masal

The Plaque of Masal can be found in the Pit of Stonejaws.

You should examine the Plaque of Masal.

Plaque of Masal: You have found a plaque bearing the name of the Jewel of Masal. The Plaque of Masal contains only the name of the jewel and a small indentation in the shape of a jewel.