Quest:Worth Fighting

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NOTE: This quest no longer exists! Rewards are now from the quest [57]: Breaking Their Spirit.

Worth Fighting
Level 57
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Hysing
Starts at Anazârmekhem
Start Region The Flaming Deeps
Map Ref [13.3S, 108.1W]
Quest Group Moria: The Flaming Deeps
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The maps you gathered indicate the Ghâsh-hai plan a large flanking assault against Mordor's forces in the Twenty-first Hall. This is not to our benefit. The dwarves there will simply be swept away in the tide, and Mordor has yet to serve its purpose here.

'We need to ensure Moria and Mordor engage in as costly a war as possible. If they eliminate each other, we inherit what remains: Khazad-dûm itself. We need to delay the Ghâsh-hai long enough to come up with a plan to convince them to change sides.

'My scouts have identified a commander at Ânghumu-ru named Yûl who is supposed to lead the assault. If he is slain, I believe it will cause enough of a disruption to delay their plans and give us some time to determine our next move.'


The dwarves have determined that the Ghâsh-hai are an enemy worth assaulting. They have plans to attack the Twenty-first Hall and destroy the dwarves and Mordor-orcs encamped there.

Objective 1

Yûl is at Ânghumu-ru, south-west of Anazârmekhem.

Hysing believes if Yûl, the Ghâsh-hai commander planning the assault of the Twenty-first Hall, is defeated, it will buy some time to come up with a plan to turn the Ghâsh-hai against Mazog and place them under the banner of Mordor.

Hysing: 'If we are to save the dwarves of the Twenty-first Hall, Yûl must be defeated.'

Objective 2

Hysing is at Anazârmekhem, north-east of Ânghumu-ru.

Hysing will be pleased to hear that you bought him some time by defeating Yûl and delaying the Ghâsh-hai assault on the Twenty-first Hall.

Hysing: 'Good work, <name>. I can see from their movements that the Ghâsh-hai are confused. Yûl was an important leader, and his loss hurts them. They do not know who is attacking them and they surely have been delayed. This will give us time to come up with a plan.
'After you returned with the maps, I asked Gúthi to start devising a plan for how we might split the Ghâsh-hai from the folds of Moria and unite them under the banner of Mordor. If you wish to aid us in this matter more, I suggest you speak to him.'