Quest:Wolves at the Door

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Wolves at the Door
Level 44
Type Solo
Starts with Urho
Starts at Hammastus-pesä
Start Region Forochel
Map Ref [4.1N, 59.9W]
Quest Group Forochel
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The susi have always been an evil breed, but with the onset of this frozen winter, they have become more bold and far more dangerous. They raid our guard tents and some have even assaulted Kauppa-kohta.

'If you wish to gain the trust of the Lumi-väki of Kauppa-kohta, you will hunt down the susi and kill as many as you can. They prowl all around us.

'Hurry! I do not wish to become the susi's next meal!'


White wolves have destroyed the sentry hut on the forest's edge. If the wolves continue to encroach upon the trading-camp they could threaten the flow of supplies from the hunters to the North.

Objective 1

  • Defeat wolves (0/14)

Wolves can be found across much of Taur Orthon.

Urho has asked you to help him by hunting the wolves which destroyed his tent.

Urho: 'You must show the susi that they are not the masters of this forest.'

Objective 2

Urho is on the north-west road, next to his ruined guard-post.

You have slain many wolves and should now report to Urho with news of your success.

Urho: 'The susi have been pushed back into the forest? It will be long before they are bold enough to attack one of our camps again.
'Still, it is not enough. The summers have been warmer than usual, making more time for the susi to breed. We will have to kill the den-mother to keep the pack's size at bay.'