Quest:Where Norsu Die

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Where Norsu Die
Level 47
Type Solo
Starts with Sigrík
Starts at Zigilgund
Start Region Forochel
Map Ref [9.3N, 81.1W]
Quest Group Forochel
Quest Chain Protecting the Mammoths
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I lost my spear in the side of a mammoth! Can you believe it?

'I was hunting nearby -- just south of here -- and saw a beauty of a beast, with a pair of amazing tusks, and I thought one of them would make a fine trophy for over my mantel-piece back home!

'It was a fine, straight cast, but the stupid thing just ran off with my spear sticking out of its flank, and me left behind feeling a fool. Will you look for it? I would be surprised if the beast made it very far. If you find its corpse, bring back one of its tusks, too!'


Sigrík lost his spear while hunting mammoths.

Objective 1

  • Find the mammoth that was speared by Sigrík

The mammoth should be found somewhere south of Zigilgund.

Sigrík has asked you to find his missing spear, which should be stuck in the corpse of a mammoth. He asked you to collect one of its tusks as well.

Sigrík: 'It's me spear, and one of that Mammoth's tusks, that I'm wantin'! Look in the place they go to die, south of here.'
Collected the spear and mammoth tusk

Objective 2

Sigrík is at Zigilgund, north of the mammoth's corpse.

You should return the spear and tusk to Sigrík.

Sigrík: 'My spear! I swear no other flies as true! I would have been terribly upset never to see it again. Let's take a look at that tusk, now.
'Ah, it's a beauty, isn't it? Look at the... now wait a minute. Look at this! There are markings on this tusk! I cannot make head nor tail of them, though.
'Never mind! It will still make a fine trophy.'