Quest:Weapons unused

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Weapons Unused
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Shegai
Starts at Furukzahar Armoury
Start Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [69.5S, 35.1W]
Ends with Shegai
Ends at Furukzahar Armoury
End Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [69.5S, 35.1W]
Quest Group Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You are a visitor to Furukzahar, are you not? You could have come little earlier than this, of course, for it was the command of Hámisar that we shut the gates and not allow outsiders within the fortress while Gondor was at war. It was a wise decision, to be sure, but it has left me with something of a problem.

'You see, when Hámisar decreed that no Témamir was to depart the fortress, many of my folk left their weapons lying about. There was to be no need to them, you understand? But now they are scattered all over Furukzahar, and whose job is it to retrieve them?'

Shegai looks at you with a twinkle in his eye.

'Why yes, my new friend. You guessed it on the first try! You will be rewarded for this work, of course.'


Shegai has asked you to retrieve the weapons that were left lying around Furukzahar.

Objective 1

  • Collect forgotten weapons throughout Furukzahar (0/10)

Forgotten weapons have been discarded throughout Furukzahar and should be returned to the Armoury.

Objective 2

  • Bring the forgotten weapons to Shegai in the Armoury

Shegai is in the Armoury of Furukzahar.

Shegai: 'Thank you for bringing me these weapons. You know... not all of the Temámir agreed with Hámisar's decision to shut the gates of Furukzahar during the war. Some of us believed that it was wrong to leave Gondor to stand alone.'
'But it was Hámisar's decision to make, and he made it. That is how things have been done for hundreds of years, and our King is far away. Hámisar has the authority in these mountains, and in this fortress.'