Quest:Wargs of Shadow

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Wargs of Shadow
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Ruidhriel
Starts at Tâl Caradhras
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [49.1S, 9.3W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Some great evil has taken an interest in the Burnt Tor. At night, shining eyes peer at me from the hilltop and ominous howls echo throughout the valley.

'Maybe these Wargs know nothing of the Company and their task, but I would ask that you seek them out and destroy as many as you can. If they do have some malicious intent, then perhaps we can stop them before it is too late.

'The howling came from the Burnt Tor behind me. Please, <name>, take care and return to me when the task is complete.'


Ruidhriel has asked you to help her defeat the shadow-wargs around the Burnt Tor.

Objective 1

The shadow-wargs inhabit the Burnt Tor, west of Ruidhriel.

Ruidhriel has asked that you kill the Wargs that stalk the Burnt Tor.

Ruidhriel: 'These Wargs have a fell air about them, <name>. They have a dreadful presence.'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Ruidhriel

Ruidhriel is east of the Burnt Tor.

You should return to Ruidhriel and tell her of your success.

Ruidhriel: 'These Wargs are an evil much greater than the spies of Saruman. I must consider what this means <name>.'