Quest:Unwitting Scavengers

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Unwitting Scavengers
Level 40
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Cirith Imladris
Start Region Misty Mountains
Map Ref [25.2S, 3.4W]
Ends with Glorenglir
Ends at The Market of Rivendell
End Region Rivendell
Map Ref [29.4S, 5.6W]
Quest Group Misty Mountains
Quest Chain Hidden by Drifts
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

As the snow-lurkers make their way through the snow, shards of pottery and old relics become tangled in their root-like legs. If enough were gathered, these items may have interest to some of the scholars in Rivendell.

Collect Relic-fragments from the snow-lurkers in the Misty Mountains.


Many relics have been lost to the snows of the Misty Mountains, buried beneath the drifts by the winds and by time.

Objective 1

Snow lurkers climb the drifts near the source of the Bruinen in the Misty Mountains north of Rivendell.

As the creatures make their way through the snow, shards of pottery and old relics become tangled in their root-like legs. Collect Relic Fragments from snow lurkers in the Misty Mountains.

Objective 2

Glorenglir is interested in investigating these relic fragments collected from the Misty Mountains.

Glorenglir may be found in Rivendell

Glorenglir: 'You actually found relic fragments on the snow lurkers? I can hardly believe it, <name>!
'I suspected that such fragments would become entangled in the legs of the Snow Lurkers, but I had never observed that behaviour myself. My musings have been proven true by your efforts!
'I am pleased as well that you collected these old fragments, but there is no shortage of those in Imladris, and I am more excited that my musings were correct! I thank you, <name>!'