Quest:Trophy-hunter: Norlúg's Tongue

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Trophy-hunter: Norlúg's Tongue
Level 18
Type Solo
Starts with Norlúg's Tongue
Starts at Western Eregion
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [49.8S, 25.6W]
Ends with Addo Benchuth
Ends at Glyn Helyg
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [62.4S, 26.2W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

After encountering and defeating the elusive worm, Norlúg, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Stoors of Swanfleet. As you inspect Norlúg's tongue, you notice tiny, stone-like teeth covering it and, for a moment, your memory turns to tales of the fearsome worms of the Elder Days.

You should bring this trophy to Addo Benchuth, a trophy-hunter and purveyor of odd things in Swanfleet.


After encountering the elusive worm, Norlúg, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Stoors of Swanfleet.

Objective 1

  • Deliver Norlúg's tongue to Addo Benchuth in Swanfleet

Addo Benchuth can be found at Glyn Helyg in Swanfleet. You have acquired a trophy from an elusive foe in Swanfleet.

You should deliver it to Addo Benchuth, a trophy-hunter and purveyor of odd things in Swanfleet.

Addo Benchuth: 'Oh, hullo! What's that there? May I see it?'
As Addo Benchuth inspects Norlúg's tongue, you notice a look somewhere between curiosity and revulsion wash over his face. He lifts the tongue to his eyes and tilts it back and forth a few times, noting its weight and texture.
'My my, I hardly know what to make of this! Perhaps I could use it as a back-scratcher or a mat to clean my boots—it is no joy to look at, but the potential is there, I think!'
'If you find anything else of this sort, please bring it here and I'll see that you're compensated for your efforts. Thank you, friend!'