Quest:Trophy-hunter: Gnaw's Ear

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Trophy-hunter: Gnaw's Ear
Level 12
Type Solo
Starts with Gnaw's Ear
Starts at Stoor-vales
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [61.1S, 25.9W]
Ends with Addo Benchuth
Ends at Glyn Helyg
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [62.4S, 26.2W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

After encountering and defeating the elusive shrew, Gnaw, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Stoors of Swanfleet. As you inspect Gnaw's ear, you are astounded by its softness. In addition, you notice a few bites have hewn parts of it off—perhaps from other shrews or even larger beasts that Gnaw was quick-witted enough to elude.

You should bring this trophy to Addo Benchuth, a trophy-hunter and purveyor of odd things in Swanfleet.


After encountering the elusive shrew, Gnaw, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Stoors of Swanfleet.

Objective 1

  • Deliver Gnaw's ear to Addo Benchuth in Swanfleet

Addo Benchuth can be found at Glyn Helyg in Swanfleet. You have acquired a trophy from an elusive foe in Swanfleet.

You should deliver it to Addo Benchuth, a trophy-hunter and purveyor of odd things in Swanfleet.

Addo Benchuth: 'Oh, hullo! What's that there? May I see it?'
As Addo Benchuth inspects Gnaw's ear, a smirk crosses his face.
'A-ha! It's that cursed shrew! He's been tearing up my planters for weeks now, but I was never quick enough to catch him. A fine trophy, indeed!'
'If you find anything else of this sort, please bring it here and I'll see that you're compensated for your efforts. Thank you, friend!'