Quest:Trophy-hunter: Gullush's Legs

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Trophy-Hunter: Gullush's Legs
Level 137
Type Solo
Starts with  Gullush's Legs
Starts at Gloomingtarn
Start Region Gloomingtarn
Map Ref [48.2S, 120.0W]
Ends with Belga Defthand
Ends at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
End Region Máttugard
Map Ref [45.6S, 114.6W]
Quest Group Gundabad
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

After encountering the elusive deep-toad, Gullush, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold.

As you inspect Gullush's legs, you wonder if they are edible or poisonous.

You decide to bring this trophy to Belga Defthand, a skilled taxidermist of the Longbeards, so that it might be preserved once Gundabad is reclaimed.


After encountering the elusive deep-toad, Gullush, you have claimed a trophy that may be of value to the Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold.

Objective 1

Belga Defthand can be found at Steepset in Máttugard.

You have acquired a trophy from an elusive foe in Gundabad. You should deliver it to Belga Defthand, a skilled taxidermist of the Longbeards.

Belga Defthand: 'What have you brought me now?'
Belga Defthand inspects Gullush's legs closely, holding them up to the light at Steepset.
'Ah, this shall make a fine trophy! I shall preserve this rare find. There are many strange creatures living within the depths of Gundabad. Perhaps you will find them all!'