Quest:The Would-be Shanty-man

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The Would-be Shanty-man
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Anyâmat
Starts at Halrax
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [10.0S, 125.7W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain The Would-be Shanty-man
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'O'er the waves, we shall set sail...

'To the horizon with the help of a tail... wind.

'No no that's terrible!

'Oh! You! Hello! My name is Anyâmat, the greatest shanty-man there ever was! Or at least, that's what they will call me some day. You see, I have such a deep love of song and the romanticism of sailing, but aside from the trip from Minas Tirith to here, I will confess I don't have much sea-faring experience.

'What if I were to follow you around and observe you on your adventures? Perhaps that will provide the inspiration I need!'

She hands you a small whistle.

'Use this to call me as you travel about Zamarzîr. Oh, we are going to have so much fun together!'


Anyâmat harbours aspirations of being a great shanty-man.

Objective 1

  • Wait a moment

Anyâmat has asked you to help her become a great shanty-caller by bringing her along for some adventures.

Objective 2

Anyâmat has asked you to help her become a great shanty-caller by bringing her along for some adventures. While in Zamarzîr, use Anyâmat's whistle from your inventory to summon Anyâmat to your side.

Objective 3

Anyâmat has asked you to help her become a great shanty-caller by bringing her along for some adventures. While in Zamarzîr, use Anyâmat's whistle from your inventory to summon Anyâmat to your side.

Use  Anyâmat's Whistle to summon her to your side

Objective 4

  • Talk to Anyâmat

Anyâmat has asked you to help her become a great shanty-caller by bringing her along for some adventures.

Use  Anyâmat's Whistle to summon her to your side

Anyâmat: 'Well I think that's quite enough adventure for me. I had a lovely time but I don't know how you have the energy to do this every day! This ought to give me enough inspiration to come up with new lyrics.
'I'm going to take that whistle back from you now and head back to Halrax. Come find me when next you're in town.'