Quest:The Way It Catches the Light, Part 3

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The Way It Catches the Light, Part 3
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Khaltâg
Starts at Sektakhâb
Start Region Khabârkhad
Map Ref [119.5S, 141.7W]
Ends with Pharida
Ends at The Dûlkar
End Region Dil-irmíz
Map Ref [122.3S, 141.1W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Dil-irmíz, the Berths
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Throw this necklace into the bay. It is a curse. It is a curse!'


Khaltâg has run into Sektakhâb, claiming his wife is calling him to her. Help him if you can.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Sektakhâb Dead (0/4)

Protect Khaltâg and fight off the crypt-walkers that have appeared!

Defeated Sektakhâb Dead (4/4)

Objective 2

  • Aid Khaltâg

Aid Khaltâg.

Objective 3

  • Speak with Khaltâg

Speak with Khaltâg.

Khaltâg: 'One of the dead wounded me. I can't move. My strength fades.
'Please, throw this necklace into the Bay. It is cursed. It lets you speak with the dead... by becoming one of them. No one should wear it.
'Her voice is strong now, in my ear. She calls to me. My darling, I am coming home.'

Objective 4

Pick up the heavy necklace.

Objective 5

  • Throw the necklace into the Bay from the wharf past the harbour-warden's tower
 Heavy Necklace

Go to the Sail-haven. On the western docks past the Harbour-warden's tower there is a wharf jutting into the Bay. The deep waters of the Bay of Belfalas should hide the necklace for an age.

The necklace disappears from view, lost once more

Objective 6

  • Speak with Pharida about the fate of her father
 Heavy Necklace

Speak with Pharida in the Dûlkar in Dil-irmíz about the fate of her father.

Pharida: 'Khaltâg is dead? Oh no. Oh no...'
She stares off into the distance behind you. Her grief is plain to see.
'I hope he is at peace now. I knew that necklace was a curse! I knew it.
'Thank you for trying to help him, and for throwing that... thing into the Bay. No one else need feel like this.'