Quest:The Thieves' Trail

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The Thieves' Trail
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Golgallon
Starts at Echad Eregion
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [47.0S, 12.5W]
Quest Group Eregion
Quest Chain Footsteps of the Company
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You say you saw tracks leading southwards? These half-orcs clearly serve Saruman and are bearing their prize to Isengard.

'From what you say, they only have a single horse between them, so it is likely a pack-horse, rather than a mount. You should be able to catch them.

'Fortunately, our scouts saw such a pair of half-orcs to the east and a little south of here, almost due south of the campsite. Hurry! You must recover whatever they took from the campsite.'


You discovered that half-orcs had ransacked the vestiges of a campsite, taking something away with them.

Objective 1

  • Find half-orcs bearing the item from the Company's campsite
  • Defeat Thlûk

The half-orcs were seen to the east and a little south of Echad Eregion, almost due south of the Company's campsite.

Golgallon told you to hunt down the half-orcs and recover whatever they took from the campsite.

Golgallon: 'You must catch the half-orcs and recover whatever it is they took from the Company's campsite. Such a pair of half-orcs was seen a distance to the east and a little south of here.'
Thlûk: 'You are too late, <class>. My companion is already headed south with our prize...Sharkey will soon know everything he needs to find that precious thing he seeks. I am not about to let you hinder its delivery...die!'
Thlûk says, "You will not stop me!"

Objective 2

  • Talk to Golgallon at Echad Eregion

Golgallon is at Echad Eregion, west and north of where you found Thlûk.

You should return to Golgallon with tidings of your encounter with Thlûk.

Golgallon: 'The second half-orc is alone now and headed south? That is troubling, for it means he may be using the horse as a mount.
'He has a strong enough lead, but perhaps there is yet time....'