Quest:The Riders Three
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Level | 103 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Burnoth, son of Baldeg |
Starts at | Ost Rimmon |
Start Region | Beacon Hills |
Map Ref | [48.1S, 37.5W] |
Ends with | Ulf the Reaver |
Ends at | Ost Rimmon |
End Region | Beacon Hills |
Map Ref | [48.1S, 37.5W] |
Quest Chain | Far Anórien: Beacon Hills |
Quest Chain |
War-stead of the Rohirrim
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'<name>, can it be? In such dark times, I was unsure our paths would cross again. 'I am sorry for the manner of our parting - we knew not how to move forward for what seemed like days after the Battle of the Hornburg. Our warden and my dear friend, Léofdag, was slain in the fighting just before dawn. 'If only he had seen what we had! The ride of the Wizard and the forest that marched forth to harry our foes - such things cannot be believed if one had not been there at the battle's ending. 'Time to rest has been a rare gift as of late, but our foes have laid traps for our riders and even now, we are working to disarm them before any more of our steeds come to harm. 'Out beyond the gates of Ost Rimmon, they have laid jagged caltrops along the roadway. If you aid the others in removing them, we shall be able to resume our journey unhindered.' BackgroundOnce known as the Riders Four, the company of Burnoth, Hutha, and Ulf struggle to ready and ride for war while still feeling the loss of their long-time friend, Léofdag. Objective 1
Caltrops can be found on and around the road outside of Ost Rimmon. Variags have laid traps along the road to slow the forces of Rohan. You should disarm these traps before any more horses are wounded.
Objective 2
Burnoth can be found within Ost Rimmon in the Beacon Hills. You have destroyed the caltrops and should now return to Burnoth.
Objective 3
Sets of horseshoes can be found within Ost Rimmon in the Beacon Hills. Burnoth has asked you to aid him in shoeing the horses before he and his fellows set off.
Objective 4
The steeds of the Riders Three can be found at the stables of Ost Rimmon. You have collected enough horseshoes and should now shoe the steeds of the Riders Three.
Objective 5
Hutha is at Ost Rimmon. You have shoed the steeds and should now speak to Hutha as Burnoth asked.
Objective 6
Ulf is at Ost Rimmon. You have spoken to Hutha and should now speak to Ulf as well.