Quest:A Trail in the Entwash

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A Trail in the Entwash
Level 104
Type Solo
Starts with Togbor
Starts at Beacon Hills
Start Region Beacon Hills
Map Ref [42.7S, 37.1W]
Ends with Malhar
Ends at Mouths of Entwash
End Region Beacon Hills
Map Ref [36.0S, 36.1W]
Quest Group Far Anórien: Beacon Hills
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My brother Malhar slipped his bonds and escaped the Variags. I know not how, only that if anyone might have done so and survived, it was he. Our youngest brother is possessed of the quickest wits in a quick-witted family.

'We had agreed, while they dragged us to Bâr Nadhron, that if any of us escaped we would make for the Mouths of Entwash. I doubt not that he went there and is likely there still.

'We must return to Ost Rimmon, but I beg you, <race>, go into the marshland and find Malhar. I have every hope he yet lives and, if luck is on our side, has left some trail to find him by.'


Togbor believes his younger brother Malhar fled into the Mouths of the Entwash after escaping their captors.

Objective 1

  • Search for a trail

Look for a trail in the Mouths of Entwash that might lead you to Malhar.

You spy a footprint leading farther into the marshlands

Objective 2

  • Follow the trail

Follow the trail in the Mouths of Entwash that might lead you to Malhar.

Another footprint. He must have gone this way.

Objective 3

  • Follow the trail

Follow the trail in the Mouths of Entwash that might lead you to Malhar.

Another footprint points northward

Objective 4

  • Follow the trail

Follow the trail in the Mouths of Entwash that might lead you to Malhar.

The footprint is clear and it points north

Objective 5

  • Follow the trail

Follow the trail in the Mouths of Entwash that might lead you to Malhar.

A streak of recently dried mud points up the hill

Objective 6

  • Go up the hill

The last clue in the trail points up a hill, deep in the Mouths of Entwash. You should see what is there.

You find a young man standing in the clearing

Objective 7

  • Talk to the young man

Talk to the young man in the clearing on the hill in the Mouths of Entwash.

Malhar: 'Who are you? You do not look to be a foe, so I judge you friend. I am Malhar, son of Lachnir.'
The young man starts to extend a hand, then winces and holds his side. He gives a wry, pained grin.
'Though if you were foe, I fear I should be somewhat at your mercy. I am starved and wounded and very ready indeed to get back out of this marsh!'