Quest:The Puzzle-vault

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The Puzzle-vault
Level 14
Type Solo
Starts with Bávor
Starts at Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall
Start Region Thorin's Gate
Map Ref [13.8S, 103.2W]
Quest Group Ered Luin
Quest Chain The Puzzle-vault
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Finally! It's working.... I think.

'I'm going to have to stay here to care for this machine. You go open the vault! It's quite a distance away -- on the other side of Thorin's Hall -- here, to the north and up the stairs. The chains and cables run all through the walls -- a real work of art!

'Make sure you get the order of the levers right, or you'll have to come back here so I can reset the gears. Perhaps those clues you found in the boxes will help with the order.'


Now that you have assembled all the gears, it is time to open the vault.

You found these clues etched in the faces of the gears:

The axe bites deep before first light of the sun.

The sun rises after the moon has set.

A jewel may be found in the light of the sun.

Jewels are only found after much hard work.

Before all else, the silvery light of the moon can be seen.

Objective 1

  • Pull the first lever

The vault is across Thorin's Hall to the north and up the stairs.

Pull the vault levers in the right sequence. If you make a mistake, go back to Bávor Redstone to reset the gears.

Bávor: 'Make certain to consult the riddles. We must be certain to get the levers pulled in the correct sequence. Oh, this is very exciting!'

Objective 2

  • Pull the second lever

The vault is across Thorin's Hall to the north and up the stairs.

Pull the vault levers in the right sequence. If you make a mistake, go back to Bávor Redstone to reset the gears.


Objective 3

  • Pull the third lever

The vault is across Thorin's Hall to the north and up the stairs.

Pull the vault levers in the right sequence. If you make a mistake, go back to Bávor Redstone to reset the gears.


Objective 4

  • Pull the fourth lever

The vault is across Thorin's Hall to the north and up the stairs.

Pull the vault levers in the right sequence. If you make a mistake, go back to Bávor Redstone to reset the gears.

Click! Click! Click! Click! The vault has unlocked

Objective 5

  • Collect the contents of the puzzle-vault

Bávor Redstone is back on the far side of Thorin's Hall to the south.

Now that you have solved the riddle of the puzzle-vault, you should collect the treasure and bring it back to Bávor Redstone.

Bávor: 'Please don't tell me there was nothing in the vault!'
You take a large crude black rock from the vault
Bávor: 'This was in the vault? This?
Bávor stares incredulously at the black rock. 'Amazing! Fantastic! Incredible!
'Listen, no one knew just what was sealed in that vault! This is one of the greatest of all the treasures of the Dwarves!
'Oh, I know it doesn't look like much, but the story goes that Durin himself hewed this from Gundabad, the mountain where he first awoke! It's the first chunk of ore ever mined by the father of our line! This is the most ancient artifact of the Dwarves and serves as a symbol of our heritage. You have unearthed a true treasure with all your hard work, and you deserve all our thanks.'