Quest:The Late Fisherman

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The Late Fisherman
Level 143
Type Solo
Starts with Lindil
Starts at Lond Cirion
Start Region Anfalas
Map Ref [69.0S, 88.8W]
Ends with Arthiel
Ends at The Brew and Bounty
End Region Anfalas
Map Ref [69.1S, 89.4W]
Quest Group Anfalas
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Greetings traveller, do you have a moment? I am in dire need of help.

'My dear husband, Tirneldir, set out to tend to his traps along the shore, but has not yet returned. I am worried something has happened to him with all these Corsairs about as he is never too careful when he should be.

'It may all be for nothing... and mayhap he stopped at "The Brew and Bounty" and lost track of the day... but please go and check for me, you can find the tavern if you take the northern lift down and go up the stairs behind it. Send him back home when you find him. You can mark him by his brown hair and azure tunic he wears.'


Lindil needs your help finding her missing spouse.

Objective 1

Lindil has asked you to check "The Brew and Bounty" for her spouse, Tirneldir, in lower Lond Cirion near the northern lift.

You don't see Tirneldir. The guard nearby may have information

Objective 2

You do not see Tirneldir within "The Brew and Bounty" in Lond Cirion. The guard sitting at the table may know where he went.

Arthiel: 'Eh? What can I do for you, adventurer?'
You tell them that you are looking for Tirneldir.
'Ah, Tirneldir, you say? Afford me a moment to gather my thoughts.'