Quest:The Hunt for Hedâkha

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The Hunt for Hedâkha
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Rúkbag
Starts at Kafagur
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [0.3N, 134.8W]
Ends with Lumbag
Ends at Dor Pherkha
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [0.8S, 134.3W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'During our last hunt at Dor Pherkha, the sabre-tooth Hedâkha overwhelmed us. So many fell. I ran back here, but one of the newcomers -- Lumbag, I think his name is -- stayed behind. I told him that trying to prove himself was stupid, but maybe that was low of me.

'Could you venture south-east and make sure he's still alive? I don't doubt his skills, but trying to act like a hero isn't going to land him in a good place.'


The sabre-tooth known as Hedâkha has been a thorn in Kafagur's side for too long.

Objective 1

Rúkbag has asked you to find Lumbag. She last saw him at Dor Pherkha, south-east of Kafagur.

As you approach, Lumbag narrows his eyes

Objective 2

  • Talk to Lumbag

You have found Lumbag hiding at Dor Pherkha. You should talk to him.

Lumbag: 'Shhh! There're a bunch of things here that want to hurt me and I'm trying to think.
'Oh, hang on -- you can be part of my plan! Look.'
He triumphantly waves around a slab of raw boar meat.
'I hunted myself some bait! Just find a good place to set it down and lure out Hedâkha. A beast like that should be no problem for you, right? ...Right?'

Objective 3

Lumbag has given you some raw boar meat that might lure out Hedâkha. You can find a good spot to place the bait somewhere in Dor Pherkha.

A vicious growl fills the air...

Objective 4

  • Talk to Lumbag

Hedâkha has been defeated. You should check on Lumbag at Dor Pherkha.

Lumbag: Lumbag lets out a shaky breath -- almost like he's been holding it this entire time, waiting for you to return.
'It's gone... heh. Rúkbag was right; I couldn't fight Hedâkha alone after all. After I saw it tear through everyone...'
He gulps.
'Thanks for the help. I'll return to Kafagur to rest.'