Quest:The Glory of the Malledhrim

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The Glory of the Malledhrim
Level 61
Type Solo
Starts with Dannaswen
Starts at Amon Angened
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [15.9S, 60.0W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, it would behoove us to be certain that the Orcs at the Gostannon do not regain their courage and inconvenience our forces moving through the area. To that end, I have a task for you.

'Take this banner and plant it upon a prominent place within the ruins of the Orcs' encampment. This will likely enrage the Enemy into attacking you, but should you defend the banner for long enough, they will become disheartened, for you will have proven the glory of the Malledhrim.

'Return to me with the tale of your battle. I will be very pleased to know whether you have succeeded or not. Do not leave the banner unattended, or I will consider your task a failure. Defend it!'


The Elves of the Golden Host are concerned with the continuing presence of Orcs in the Mirk-eaves and in procuring supplies for the Malledhrim in the east.

Objective 1

The pile of stones is atop a small rise in the Orc-camp at the Gostannon, north-east of Amon Angeled.

Dannaswen has asked you to plant the banner of the Malledhrim at the Orc-camp near the Gostannon and defend it against the Orcs.

Dannaswen: 'Remember: once you have planted our banner, do not leave it undefended until the required time has passed, or I will consider your task a failure!'
Planted the banner at the Gostannon

Objective 2

  • Defend the banner of the Malledhrim
  • Do not fall before the Enemy
  • Do not leave the banner undefended

The Gostannon lies to the north of Amon Angened.

Dannaswen asked you to defend the banner you planted in the enemy encampment at the Gostannon.

Defended the banner of the Malledhrim

Objective 3

Dannaswen is at the Elf-waypost atop Amon Angened, south of the Gostannon.

You should return to Dannaswen with news of your victory.

Dannaswen: 'You have earned great honour in the eyes of the Malledhrim and of all the Galadhrim.
'I fear, however, that this may not be the last time we will need to make such a show of strength.'