Quest:The Dragon and the Storm -- Solo/Duo

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The Dragon and the Storm -- Solo/Duo
Level 150
Type Solo/Duo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Auto-bestowed
Starts at Dahâl Huliz
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Group Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Dragon and the Storm

"Dahâl Huliz has long been home to many spectacular contests, pitting capable gladiators against all forms of opponents. Rothog has summoned you to witness the unveiling of his latest spectacle for the Arena."


Dahâl Huliz has long been home to many spectacular contests, pitting capable gladiators against all forms of opponents. Rothog has summoned you to witness the unveiling of his latest spectacle for the Arena.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Rothog the Storm in the Arena

Rothog has summoned you to witness the unveiling of his latest spectacle for the Arena. Speak to him.

Rothog the Storm: 'Welcome to Dahâl Huliz, the grand arena of Umbar Baharbêl! Today on this sacred ground, I will unveil a most fearsome spectacle, Ragrekhûl, the Storm Serpent.
'As you know, Shaidal was sent forth to capture this beast, and to my surprise, he was successful! 'This will be one of my greatest displays and ensure my legacy. I have asked you here to witness the unveiling, and for you to see Shaidal receive his well deserved reward. 'Now to the presentation!
Rothog the Storm says, "Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl, today I gift you the most amazing creature. Perhaps the finest to ever grace these hallowed sands."
Rothog the Storm says, "One of our fine competitors, Shaidal has returned with this beast at great risk to himself."
Rothog the Storm says, "Also, as is tradition, I commute the sentence of Shaidal for his noble effort to secure the beast. He risked life and limb to deliver this gift, and his penance to the citizenry is complete."
Shaidal says, "Rothog, I shall warn you the creature stirs more than it should. I worry that the poison has not quelled the beast."
Rothog the Storm says, "Shaidal, your service in Dahâl Huliz is complete. You are free once more."
Rothog the Storm says, "My apothecaries have assured to me that this creature has been sedated and should be docile."
Rothog the Storm says, "Gaze upon Ragrekhûl, the Storm Serpent!"
Rothog the Storm says, "Uh oh!"
Rothog the Storm says, "This is not good."
Rothog the Storm says, "Perhaps nets should have been in place for this demonstration."
Rothog the Storm says, "I will require your aid in tracking Ragrekhûl before it causes too much of a commotion. I would assist, but I need to speak to my apothecaries."
As Ragrekhûl's escapes, the storms surrounding the creature light fires all around the arena. A Tempestuous Flame has flickered to life

Objective 2

With Ragrekhûl's escape, a Tempestuous Flame has appeared within the arena. Defeat the creature so they do not cause additional damage and loss of life.

The sounds of fighting ring throughout the city outside of the arena.
With the Tempestuous Flame defeated, cries of help are heard throughout the city from Ragrekhûl's wrath. Leave the arena and seek out Ragrekhûl
Shaidal says, "This way! The creature has flown towards the Citadel of the Winds!"
Members of the All-Seeing Eye cult have used the commotion to attack portions of the city. Secure the approach to The Citadel of Winds

Objective 3

  • Secure the approach to the Citadel of the Winds

During the commotion, members of the cult of the All-Seeing Eye have taken the opportunity to attack the city. With Ragrekhûl circling the Citadel of the Winds, you must now secure the approach to the Citadel of the Winds.

With the approach secured, you may now enter the courtyard held by the cult of the All-Seeing Eye

Objective 4

  • Defeat the All-Seeing Eye cultists

Secure the courtyard outside of the Citadel of the Winds.

As the cultist falls, Ragrekhûl makes his approach. High Cultists emerge and begin to attempt to gain control of the powerful creature

Objective 5

Ragrekhûl's rampage across Umbar has endangered the Umbari citizens. Defeat Ragrekhûl in the Courtyard of the Citadel of the Winds before more perish.

With Ragrekhûl slain, the City of Umbar can now begin to count their dead and rebuild damaged portions of the city

The Dragon and the Storm -- Solo/Duo