Quest:The Cursed Chest

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The Cursed Chest
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Jeduth the Cursed
Starts at Dar Grekhûl
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [9.4S, 123.5W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The chest lured me in with riches. The thought of a better life. The hope of a bright tomorrow.

'The gold was cursed. Look upon me. This is the fate of any who would steal this treasure.

'I long for rest. Can you help me find peace?'


A dead Corsair, bound by a curse upon a chest found in the salamander's lair in Zamarzîr, seeks assistance finding rest.

Objective 1

  • Speak with the shade

A shade of a dead Corsair begged for help in finding peace.

Jeduth the Cursed: 'My body lies south-east, across the water, in the centre of a small island. Collect the gold. Place it back in the chest so that I may rest.'

Objective 2

  • Collect the stolen gold

The shade wants you to find his body, collect the stolen treasure, and return the gold to the chest. The shade believes that this will set him free.

Jeduth the Cursed says, "Do not keep this gold. It will bring ruin. This is your only warning."
Jeduth the Cursed says, "Return the gold to the chest with haste. or meet my same fate."

Objective 3

  • Return to the treasure cache and restore the treasure
  •  Cursed Gold

The shade reappeared and warned that you must return the treasure to the chest or suffer the same fate. Return to the open chest in the salamander grotto and restore the treasure.

You place the gold back into the treasure cache

Objective 4

  • Talk to Jeduth the Cursed

The treasure is whole, and the shade remains. It seems to beckon to you.

Jeduth the Cursed: 'You have my thanks. I feel free. I can rest.'