Quest:The Blade of Elrohir

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The Blade of Elrohir
Level ...
Type Solo
Starts with Elrohir
Starts at Bree or Gondamon
Start Region Bree
Map Ref [29.8S, 51.4W]
Quest Group Special
Quest Chain Tournament of the Twins
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Sauron has been defeated, but if we relax our guard and allow our blades to become rusty with disuse, who is to say what evils may creep back into these lands? The Free Peoples of Middle-earth must remain ready for such challenges! It is for this reason that my brother and I have sanctioned a great contest, a means by which heroes can test their mettle and become the whetstones upon which their skills are sharpened!

'So, do you wish to take up arms for Elrohir, son of Elrond? I would be honoured for you to fight on my behalf!'

The Rules of the Contest:
- If you accept this quest, you will become an active member of Elrohir's faction.
- Members of Elladan's faction will appear as hostile to you, and you will be able to fight them.
- You receive Honour for every Eriador deed completed while you are an active member of either faction.


To celebrate the downfall of Sauron, the sons of Elrond have challenged the heroes of Middle-earth to a contest of strength, cunning, and wit. These heroes will pledge their abilities to either Elladan or Elrohir's banner, engaging in honourable battle with those who pledge to their rival, all while striving to complete as many deeds as possible throughout Eriador.

The Rules of the Contest:
- You have joined Elrohir's faction.
- Member's of Elladan's faction will appear as hostile to you, and you will be able to fight them.
- You receive Honour for every Eriador deed completed while you are an active member of either faction.

Objective 1

  • Complete deeds in Eriador to earn Honour

You have joined Elrohir's faction in 'The Tournament of the Twins' and may now do battle with Elladan's faction members!
- Complete deeds in Eriador to earn Honour.
- You may be harassed and hunted by member's of Elladan's faction!

Elrohir: 'I am pleased to see you again. How do you fare in the contest of honour, my friend?'

Objective 2

  • Objective 2

Objective 2 description