Quest:The Bandit Camp's Ruins

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The Bandit Camp's Ruins
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Peran
Starts at Dínadab
Start Region Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [63.1S, 59.7W]
Ends with Peran
Ends at Dínadab
End Region Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [63.1S, 59.7W]
Quest Group Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Some bandits have made camp west of here. They have not bothered us here in Dínadab in some time. Coudl you check on the camp for me? Tell me what you find.'


A villager wants to know if there are salvageable materials in the nearby bandit camp.

Objective 1

  • Examine the lumber pile
  • Examine the cloth
  • Examine the barricade

A villager wants to know what might be found at the nearby bandit camp.

Investigate the bandit camp west of Dínadab.

You aren't entirely sure what this barricade is meant to accomplish
The smell of rot wafts up from the pile of lumber. It is of no use to anyone
Someone has laid out good clothing and leather armour

Objective 2

Tell Peran that you have examined the supplies at the camp.

Peran: 'Just as I thought: they have barely anything to their name but the clothes on their backs. Why continue to live out there when they could come home? Lamedon has no shortage of honest work that needs doing.'