Quest:Stopping the Siege

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Stopping the Siege
Level 26
Type Solo
Starts with Collect a Siege-weapon Parts
Starts at Fornost
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [6.4S, 53.6W]
Ends with Gareth Copp
Ends at Treasure Hunters' Camp
End Region North Downs
Map Ref [8.0S, 56.0W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Blogmal Orcs are building siege equipment in their camp outside of the once-great city of Fornost.

Whatever their purpose, it cannot be good. You should destroy the siege equipment.


The Blogmal Orcs are building siege equipment in their camp outside of the once-great city of Fornost.

Objective 1

  • Destroy siege parts (0/6)

The siege weapon parts are being assembled in the Orc camp of northern Fornost.

You should destroy the siege weapon parts being assembled by the Blogmal Orcs.

Objective 2

Gareth Copp is at the camp of the Free Peoples in the southern reaches of Fornost.

You should return to Gareth Copp and let him know that you have destroyed a number of siege-parts.

Gareth Copp: 'You have thwarted Angmar's plans, <name>! It will take them much longer now to amass the siege weapons they need. For a time, at least, Trestlebridge and Bree-land should be safe.'