Quest:Starving Them Out

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Starving Them Out
Level 100
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Tarlang's Crown
Start Region Blackroot Vale
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain Tarlang's Crown
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The Corsairs have stocked their camp with enough rations to hold for at least several weeks. These rations could be of great help to the people of Dol Amroth and Gondor in the coming days of the War and could also weaken the resolve of the Corsairs if enough are taken.

You should take them from the Corsairs, and see them brought to the people of Gondor.


The Corsairs of Umbar keep a well-stocked camp in Tarlang's Crown with resources that could be of great aid to the people of Gondor.

Objective 1

  • Steal bags of rations from Corsairs in Tarlang's Crown (0/6)

Bags of rations can be found throughout Tarlang's Crown, especially near Corsair tents.

You have found bags of rations that might be of aid to the people of Gondor and should take them from the Corsairs.

Steal bags of rations from Corsairs in Tarlang's Crown (6/6)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have recovered many bags of rations in Tarlang's Crown.

You have recovered many bags of rations from the Corsairs in Tarlang's Crown. With their forces pressing the assault to the south, these rations may be of great use to the soldiers and people of Dol Amroth.