Quest:Stalking to Gaerlond

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Stalking to Gaerlond
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Cúdor
Starts at Barad Rill
Start Region Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [86.0S, 50.4W]
Ends with Cúdor
Ends at Barad Rill
End Region Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [86.0S, 50.4W]
Quest Group Dor-en-Ernil (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Well met, <name>.

'I knew we'd meet again. I tracked a band of Orcs from Tumladen. The trail has led me here.

'Inside Gaerlond, a lone Orc has taken up shelter. They most likely plan to flee to Ringló Vale. The Darkwaters haunting Gaerlond act as a natural barrier between them and those who would pursue.

'Lure him out using this bell. This Orc is particularly fond of it.'


Cúdor has tracked the last of the Orc war band to Gaerlond and has asked you to finish them.

Objective 1

Cúdor has asked you to travel to Gaerlond and find the Orc's armour. Once there, ring the bell he gave you and defeat the Orc.

Gaerlond is north-east of Barad Rill.

Objective 2

Cúdor will be thrilled to hear that the threat of the Orcs has stopped here.

Cúdor can be found in Barad Rill.

Cúdor: 'It never fails. I don't know what it is with some Orcs and bells, but the job is done.
'We can rest easy now that the last of that warband is finished.'