Quest:Skinning the Beasts

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Skinning the Beasts
Level 49
Type Fellowship
Starts with Odbjórn
Starts at Tármunn Súrsa
Start Region Angmar
Map Ref [12.4N, 31.8W]
Quest Group Urugarth
Quest Chain Skinning Beasts
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Throst told me what you did. An admirable feat! It ill be a fine thing when the Enemy realizes we are cutting them down with their own iron and steel.

'If we are to go to battle, we will need more than sharp blades. You must return to Urugarth and hunt the wargs there for their hides. We can tan their thick hides and fashion them into good quality armour.

'Skin the pelts from the largest Wargs you can find. Their leader will have the toughest hide of them all so be sure to track him down as well.'


You obtained some weapons from the Enemy at Urugarth which Throst the dwarf plans to re-forge for the Ranger's use.

Objective 1

  • Collect white Warg-hide
  • Collect rugged Warg-hides (0/5)

Wargs can be found at Urugarth, west of Tármunn Súrsa. Odbjórn is at Tármunn Súrsa.

Odbjórn requires Warg hides to craft new armour for the resistance. You should take several hides, as well as the hide of the Warg-leader, and return them to Odjórn.

Objective 2

Wargs can be found at Urugarth, west of Tármunn Súrsa. Odbjórn is at Tármunn Súrsa.

Odbjórn requires Warg hides to craft new armour for the resistance. You should take several hides, as well as the hide of the Warg-leader, and return them to Odjórn.

Odbjórn: 'These will do well. It is a shame what we cannot get rid of the rank stench of these furs.

'Ah, well. At least the hides themselves can be saved. I will begin work on that armour right away!'