Quest:Shattered Engines

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Shattered Engines
Level 65
Type Solo
Starts with Vatnar
Starts at Thangúlhad
Start Region Mirkwood
Map Ref [12.6S, 46.5W]
Quest Group Mirkwood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'So, we've managed to capture this tower, and it grants us a fine look at the surrounding land, but one thing I have seen that doesn't sit well with me is the Orcs moving a number of catapults nearby.

'The weather here in Mirkwood is not the finest at the best of times, but in a few hours it's going to include a fair hail of falling rocks, if you catch my meaning.

'Be a good sort and see if you can set a few of those on fire, would you? It is one thing being rained on day and night, but I'm not wanting a sharp crack on my head to go with it.'


Vatnar the dwarf has seen the Orcs of northern Gathbúrz moving catapults into position to attack Thangúlhad.

Objective 1

  • Destroy catapults (0/5)

Orkish catapults can be found throughout northern Gathbúrz.

Handelen has asked you to destroy several Orkish catapults.

Objective 2

Vatnar is at Thangúlhad in Gathbúrz.

You should return to Vatnar with tidings of your success.

Vatnar: 'So you managed to wreck a few of the Orc's toys? Well that's done then, on to the next order of business shall we?

'Time is of the essence, if we are to bring that great pile of rock down around the ears of those cloaked fiends!'