Quest:Serving the Summons, Part I
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Level | 90 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Fríthild |
Starts at | Mead Hall of Stoke |
Start Region | Broadacres |
Map Ref | [49.6S, 70.4W] |
Ends with | Ordlac |
Ends at | Mead Hall of Oserley |
End Region | Broadacres |
Map Ref | [45.2S, 67.2W] |
Quest Group | Stoke |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'<name>, I know what needs to be done, but I confess that I hesitate to do so. If we are to send aid to Théoden King, we must first break the siege upon Stoke...but to do that, we must muster the Thanes of the Broadacres, and I have no doubt that they, too, face the threat of assault. 'Nevertheless, it must be done. Speak with Grimmar, and he will provide you with signets to take to my thanes. Each signet bears the crest of their households, and they will know that it means we are in dire need of aid. 'Not far to the north-east lies Oserley, where dwells Ordlac. It is settled on an embankment leading down to the Entwash, so they may have not yet seen the smokes of the fires here. Ordlac is a pleasant fellow and likely will be the most ready to join our cause. You should go to him first.' BackgroundStoke is crowded with refugees from outlying farms and even bordering parts of Kingstead and the Stonedeans. Livestock and horses join the press. All the while, Reeve Fríthild struggles to secure her town against the White Hand's siege. Objective 1Grimmar is in the Mead Hall of Stoke. Fríthild told you to speak with Grimmar and obtain the signets with which to summon the Thanes of the Broadacres.
Objective 2
Oserley lies along the road north-east from Stoke. Fríthild has asked you to deliver a signet to Ordlac of Oserley, summoning him to her aid.
Objective 3
Thane Ordlac is within the Mead Hall of Oserley. Éoric afforded you access to the Mead Hall of Oserley to speak with Thane Ordlac.