Quest:A Riding in Need
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Level | 91 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Lúfa |
Starts at | Stoke |
Start Region | Broadacres |
Map Ref | [48.6S, 69.7W] |
Ends with | Torferth |
Ends at | Tordag's Camp |
End Region | Broadacres |
Map Ref | [45.7S, 72.1W] |
Quest Group | Stoke |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'<name>, I have seen the token in my husband's hands many times...he used to handle it when he was anxious about something. If you found it upon one of the brigands, it can only mean one thing: Ordlac is the traitor for which you had been searching at Oserley...and the one who ordered my death! 'Do not return to Ordlac, <name>, for I fear it would be your death. Go instead to Torferth at Torsbury and tell him what transpires. He must bring his garrison to Stoke's defence at once!' BackgroundOrdlac sent you to put an end to the treacherous brigands who murdered Reeve Fríthild, but upon returning to Stoke, you found Lúfa, Ordlac's wife, awaiting you at the gate. Objective 1
Thane Torferth is at Tordag's encampment, north-west of Stoke. Lúfa bade you seek out the aid of young Thane Torferth of Torsbury.