Quest:Prisca Is Perturbed

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Prisca Is Perturbed
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Camellia Boffin
Starts at Nobottle
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [27.4S, 79.0W]
Ends with Prisca Boffin
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My mother sent me to find you, <name>, and she is NOT happy. She is pretty sure you had something to do with this... and I see now that she is right!

'You had better go see her.'


Prisca Boffin, matriarch of the Boffin clan, is not pleased that her daughter's housewarming party has been ruined... and she holds you personally responsible for it!

Objective 1

Prisca Boffin is inside 8 Honeymead Lane, and she has asked to speak with you. Uh oh.

Camellia Boffin: 'My mother is pretty sure you had something to do with this... and I see now that she is right!
'You had better go see her.'
Prisca Boffin: 'I don't know what might be going on, <name>, but I find it very curious that you were the last person to speak with Griffo and with Esmeralda before they ran outside. Now, that is not particularly strange for Marigold, but for those two? Something is afoot, <name>.
'Angelica is very upset that her big day has been spoiled. If you know anything about this, I expect you to fix it!'

Objective 2

Prisca Boffin has asked you to work with Dinodas and Camellia to repair the damage that has been done to Angelica's housewarming party.

Prisca Boffin: 'Angelica is very upset that her big day has been spoiled. If you know anything about this, I expect you to fix it!'

Objective 3

Prisca Boffin is inside 8 Honeymead Lane, waiting to hear that you have repaired the damage done to Angelica's housewarming party.

Prisca Boffin: 'I still do not know what you might have had to do with this situation, <name>, but you do seem to have made things right. I am a hobbit of my word: I forgive you for your part in all this... whatever it might have been.'