Quest:Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb -- Tier 2

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Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb -- Tier 2
Level 150
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Auto-bestowed
Starts at Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb
Start Region Khûd Zagin
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb

"In a sheltered valley in the north of Khûd Zagin stand ancient, crumbling ziggurat-tombs of pale stone collectively known as Nirgambâr. Scouts have reported that one of the Zidemel's men, Andur, is said to have entered Nirgambâr drawn there by dark whispers. Locate and stop Andur before he can unleash what lurks in this cursed place."


In a sheltered valley in the north of Khûd Zagin stand ancient, crumbling ziggurat-tombs of pale stone collectively known as Nirgambâr. Scouts have reported that one of the Zidemel's men, Andur, is said to have entered Nirgambâr drawn there by dark whispers. Locate and stop Andur before he can unleash what lurks in this cursed place.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Sakhârshag

Explore the ancient, crumbling ziggurat-tombs of pale stone known as Nirgambâr. Follow Andur's path deeper within the ancient tomb.

Sakhârshag says, "You should not have come here. You will go no deeper into Ashunûg!"
As Sakhârshag falls, Andur's path continues deeper into Nirgambâr.

Objective 2

  • Defeat Imanak-tûr

Andur's path leads you deeper into Nirgambâr. Who knows what might lie in wait next?

Imanak-tûr says, "Sands shall drown."
Imanak-tûr says, "My barbs shall bite."
Imanak-tûr says, "Spears seek flesh."
The sands become still on the floor. Shouts can be heard deeper into Nirgambâr.

Objective 3

  • Defeat Aratûg

Travelling deeper within Nirgambâr has revealed several ancient creatures. Who or what lies in the central chamber?

Aratûg says, "The master seeks to draw others to this place, for his uses. Our hope was that you would be of use as well, however you have proved to be troublesome. Instead your corpse will little the cavern below."
Aratûg says, "March!"
Aratûg says, "Minions! Drive them off!"
With Andur's expedition into Nirgambâr at an end, perhaps Amalibi can see this place sealed so no others can enter.
Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb -- Tier 2