Quest:New Orders

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New Orders
Level 73
Type Solo
Starts with Attack Orders
Starts at Isendale
Start Region Gap of Rohan
Ends with Ardwyn
Ends at Forthbrond
End Region Gap of Rohan
Map Ref [87.1S, 7.1W]
Quest Group Gap of Rohan: Isendale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

This set of orders details an impending attack on Forthbrond being launched from Brôntrig.

'Brothers, we shall push forth the forgoil from our lands, once and for all. We will rally our forces with those of our kindred throughout Dunland, so that we might crush the Horse-lords.'

You should bring these orders to Ardwyn without delay.


You have retrieved a set of orders detailing an impending attack on Forthdbrond from Brôntrig.

Objective 1

  • Bring the orders to Ardwyn at Forthrond

Ardwyn is at Forthbrond, north of Brôntrig.

You should bring the orders you found to Ardwyn without delay.

Ardwyn: 'This note speaks of an impending attack...we will need you to strike at the Dunlendings before they can gather their strength.'