Quest:My Missing Woodworker Tools

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My Missing Woodworker Tools
Level 141
Type Solo
Starts with Aradax
Starts at Lothgobel
Start Region Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [64.5S, 57.0W]
Ends with Aradax
Ends at Lothgobel
End Region Lamedon (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [64.5S, 57.0W]
Quest Group Lamedon (King's Gondor)
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'When I left Tathrendalf I had to do it quickly. In my haste, I left my prized woodworking tools behind. I can get by without them, but these have some sentimental value.

'Should you find yourself in Tathrendalf, look for a wooden crate edged with iron. I kept all of my kit in there.'


A Corsair has asked you to retrieve some woodworking tools from his former comrades at Tathrendalf.

Objective 1

  • Retrieve Aradax's woodworking tools

Aradax has asked you to retrieve his woodworking tools from Tathrendalf to the north-east.

Retrieved Aradax's woodworking tools

Objective 2

You have retrieved Aradax's woodworking tools from Tathrendalf.

Talk to Aradax in Lothgobel.

Aradax: His fingers graze over the woodworking tools as if they were precious jewellery or fine cloth.
'Thanks for bringing these back to me. I would have gone myself, but I am not ready for the conversations that await me back there.'