Quest:Mission: Trouble on the Brandywine

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Mission: Trouble on the Brandywine
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Radhril
Starts at Trestlebridge Gate (West)
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [17.7S, 54.4W]
Quest Group Mission: Wildwood
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Would you accompany me on a mission, <class>?

The League of the Axe has reached out to me, asking for assistance in guarding Trader's Wharf while the League departs for an important mission.

The League of the Axe is respectful of the lands. I would like to assist them, however I would need your assistance.


You have been tasked with guarding Trader's Wharf from potential threats.

Objective 1

Your mission is to guard Trader's Wharf from potential threats.

Speak to Radhril.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Radhril

The mission is complete!

Speak to Radhril for your reward!

Radhril : We have done well, <class>. With Trader's Wharf still standing from the brigand assault, the League of the Axe will certainly be thankful of our efforts.