Quest:Mission: Locked Down

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Mission: Locked Down
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Radhril
Starts at Trestlebridge Gate (West)
Start Region The Wildwood
Map Ref [17.7S, 54.4W]
Quest Group Mission: Wildwood
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Would you accompany me on a mission, <class>?

'The Free Peoples in the Wildwood have reported a group of brigands who have barricaded themselves in the mines of Writhenset. It would seem these deviant Men have all but fled from the Wildwood.

'If the mines of Writhenset are to ever again be safe, this group of brigands must be removed.'


You have been tasked with destroying the brigand blockade within the mines of Writhenset.

Objective 1

Your mission is to destroy the brigand blockade within the mines of Writhenset.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Radhril

The mission is complete!

Speak to Radhril for your reward!

Radhril : We have done well <class>. With nowhere else to take refuge in the Wildwood, this group of brigands will certainly disperse. The mines of Writhenset will soon enough be safe for the Free Peoples, thanks to our efforts.