Quest:Lost and Found

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Lost and Found
Level 23
Type Solo
Starts with Reginard Pickthorn
Starts at Lhúngobel
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [19.4S, 88.8W]
Ends with Reginard Pickthorn
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [25.9S, 88.7W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I can get out just fine once you untie me, but you've got to search for my backpack! It has my lucky four-leaf clover. As long as I have my clover, everything will be fine.

'The goblins dragged my backpack off to who knows where -- though I suspect they didn't take it very far!

'I'll wait for you outside the ruins.'


Reginard has been found. Now it's time to find his belongings.

Objective 1

  • Free Reginard from his bindings

You should free Reginard from his bindings.

Objective 2

  • Find Reginard's backpack

Reginard has asked you to find his backpack, which must be somewhere in Lhúngobel.

Reginard's food and pipeweed have been scattered across the ground and ruined

Objective 3

  • Retrieve Reginard's backpack

You have found Reginard's backpack with most of its contents ruined.

You should retrieve his backpack for him.

The backpack feels unfortunately light

Objective 4

  • Talk to Reginard Pickthorn outside of Lhúngobel

Reginard is waiting for you outside of Lhúngobel.

You should return to him with his backpack and what remains of his belongings.

Reginard Pickthorn: Reginard's face falls when he weighs the backpack in his hands.
'I suppose the goblins weren't very fond of my things. It's just a few spice containers left....
'Wait. Wh -- where's my lucky clover? I can't go back without it! That clover was a gift from -- from -- '
He takes several deep, shaky breaths to steady himself.
'Not much I can do about this, right? Can't comb the entire place for a single clover. This... this will just be a minor setback in my adventure! Yes, that's it.
'Why don't I cook you a meal back at camp? It's only proper after everything you did! I'll meet you there -- I need to take this walk alone.'

Objective 5

  • Return to Reginard's campsite in the marsh

Reginard has invited you to meet up with him back at his campsite.

His campsite is in the marsh south of Lhúngobel.

You find Reginard staring morosely at the unlit campfire

Objective 6

You have found Reginard back at his campsite.

You should talk to him.

Reginard Pickthorn: 'Oh, hello. I collected kindling on the way here but erm, I tripped and dropped most of it into the river....'