Quest:Lân Mefam: Haradrim Tents

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Lân Mefam: Haradrim Tents
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Lân Mefam
Start Region South Ithilien
Map Ref [73.6S, 7.8W]
Quest Chain Bâr Húrin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Haradrim tents line the hillside at Lân Mefam. Some hold valuable supplies while others house Sorcerers and other high ranking Haradrim. You should destroy the tents to disrupt the enemy forces gathered at the encampment.


Haradrim tents line the hillside at Lân Mefam and should be destroyed to disrupt the enemy forces gathered there.

Objective 1

  • Burn Haradrim tents (0/10)

Lân Mefam is located east of Bâr Húrin.

You should destroy Haradrim tents at Lân Mefam.

Destroyed a Haradrim tent (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Completed

Destroyed Haradrim tents.

By burning the Haradrim tents, you have sent Lân Mefam into chaos.