Bestowal dialogue
"The desire to train against more unpredictable foes has drawn Ides' attention to the bears roaming just beyond the training grounds."
Ides has ventured into the wooded area adjacent to the training grounds, to test her skill against the wild bears. She is eager to prove herself in battle.
Objective 1
- Talk to Ides
- Do not allow Ides to be defeated
Ides can be found waiting along the road.
Ides wishes to speak with you about hunting the wild bears.
- Ides: 'The wild bears are oft seen among the trees nearby. We must look only for the largest, most ferocious bears; they must offer a challenge if I am to improve my abilities.
- 'Let us begin the hunt. I am eager to learn through observing your skill.'
Objective 2
- Hunt bears with Ides
- Do not allow Ides to be defeated
Ides has ventured with you into the woods.
Ides wishes to speak with you about the hunt.
- Ides says, "Ah, a worthy foe!"
- Ides says, "Impressive. I could learn much by observing your tactics."
- Ides says, "Ha! Such a meagre challenge. Come, let us find another."
- Ides says, "This was a rather fine plan. I feel more confident with each passing victory."
- You have successfully hunted bears with Ides
- Ides says, "Hold a moment. From the south... the sound of hooves approaches."
- Ides: 'Something approaches, <name>. What seeks us among the trees?
- 'Be ready to stand your ground.'
Objective 3
- Defeat the Uruk-hai scouts
- Do not allow Ides to be defeated
The Uruk-hai scouts have invaded the woods by the training grounds.
Uruks have begun to attack Ides while searching for the location of the training grounds.
- Ides says, "Uruk-hai scouts search this way. Hold your ground...we have been discovered!"
- Ides says, "The enemy is upon us! To arms, <name>!"
- Ides says, "Another band of Uruk-hai! Be on guard."
- Ides says, "The Uruk-hai were no match for our strength! Rally to me, <name>."
Objective 4
- Talk to Ides
- Do not allow Ides to be defeated
Ides has ventured with you into the woods.
Ides wishes to speak with you about the Uruk-hai.
- Ides: 'That was far too close,<name>! Hurry, let us return before others appear and overwhelm us of follow our path to the camp.'
- Ides: 'Come now, we must not risk being seen here again. Let us head back to the mill.'