Quest:Instance: The Bounty-hunter

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Instance: The Bounty-hunter
Level 35
Type Solo only
Starts with Basil Gummidge
Starts at Sparring Circle
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [7.1S, 63.8W]
Quest Group Evendim
Reflecting Pool Evendim Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

The Bounty Hunter
"Basil Gummidge hired adventurers from throughout Eriador to bring the ruffians and tomb-robbers of Evendim to justice, but now a notorious tomb-robber, Cuthbert Sprunt, has placed a bounty upon the arbiter's own hunters...."


Cuthbert Sprunt has placed a bounty on your head, and you have decided to challenge him to single combat to have it removed.

Objective 1

Basil Gummidge has travelled with you to the Sparring Circle of Ost Forod.

Basil Gummidge is waiting to speak with you inside the Sparring Circle.

Basil Gummidge: 'Cuthbert Sprunt isn't here yet, <name>, so there's still time to change your mind. Sprunt is a dangerous foe, but you shouldn't have any trouble...assuming he plays fair.'

Objective 2

You are engaged in single combat with Cuthbert Sprunt in the Sparring Circle.

Basil Gummidge is overseeing the combat to ensure that Cuthbert does not cheat.

Basil Gummidge says, "Ah, here he comes."
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "What are you doing here, Gummidge?"
Basil Gummidge says, "<name> has decided to teach you a lesson, Sprunt."
Basil Gummidge says, "Single combat."
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "Single combat? That's rich!"
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "I'm ready, you worthless <class>."
Basil Gummidge says, "Are you ready, <name>?"
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "The <race> looks ready enough to me!"
Basil Gummidge says, "I don't want to see any dirty tricks, Sprunt!"

Objective 3

Cuthbert Sprunt has revealed his true colours and has called upon his cronies for aid!

Basil Gummidge has leapt to your defence, and with his aid you must defeat the enemy.

Cuthbert Sprunt says, "I've had enough of this! Now you're going to pay, <name>!"
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "Get in here, boys!"

Beorning Version

Will Tripper says, "Are you going to turn into a bear now? Oooooh, I'm so scared!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "Sorry, boss! This Beorning is too tough!"
Will Tripper says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Brawler Version

Basil Gummidge says, "It's Will Tripper, as much a scoundrel as his brother!"
Will Tripper says, "You're going to use only your fists? Ha! Don't make me laugh!"
Will Tripper says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "You win! You win!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "Need to catch... my breath..."
Basil Gummidge says, "You all right, <name>? Looks like we taught Sprunt a thing or two after all!"

Burglar Version

Basil Gummidge says, "Thomas Idden and Graham Hinchcliffe! What treachery is this?"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "You're a no-good sneak, <name>, and we'll make you regret it!"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"
Thomas Idden says, "Sorry, boss! This Burglar is too tough!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"

Captain Version

Basil Gummidge says, "I might have known you'd fall into the same crowd as your brother, Thomas!"
Thomas Idden says, "Who would follow you, <name>? You're not much of a captain!"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "You win! You win!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "Sorry, boss! This Captain is too tough!"
Thomas Idden says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Champion Version

Basil Gummidge says, "It's Will Tripper, as much a scoundrel as his brother!"
Will Tripper says, "My brother was a better champion than you'll ever be! You're a coward!"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "Sorry, boss! This Champion is too tough!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"
Will Tripper says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Guardian and Warden Version

Basil Gummidge says, "I might have known you'd fall into the same crowd as your brother, Thomas!"
Thomas Idden says, "Will you face us, or hide behind your shield like a base coward, <name>?"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "You win! You win!"
Thomas Idden says, "Sorry, boss! This <class> is too tough!"

Hunter Version

Basil Gummidge says, "Archers, on the walls above us!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "A better hunter might have seen this coming, <name>!"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "Sorry, boss! This Hunter is too tough!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Lore-master Version

Basil Gummidge says, "Archers, on the walls above us!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "Not so smart now, are you, <name>?"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "You win! You win!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Mariner Version

Basil Gummidge says, "It's Will Tripper, as much a scoundrel as his brother!"
Will Tripper says, "You're a long way from the Sea, fool! What good are you on land?"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"
Will Tripper says, "Sorry, boss! This Mariner is too tough!"
Basil Gummidge says, "You all right, <name>? Looks like we taught Sprunt a thing or two after all!"
You and Basil have both survived Sprunt's treachery

Minstrel Version

Basil Gummidge says, "It's Will Tripper, as much a scoundrel as his brother!"
Will Tripper says, "Don't feel like singing now, do you, <name>?"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Sprunt's Brigand says, "It's over, boss! We're finished!"
Will Tripper says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"

Rune-keeper Version

Basil Gummidge says, "Archers, on the walls above us!"
Basil Gummidge says, "Sprunt, you villain! I always knew you for a cheating coward!"
Graham Hinchcliffe says, "You win! You win!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "You win! You win!"
Sprunt's Archer says, "<name> is tougher than I thought!"
Cuthbert Sprunt says, "Need to catch... my breath..."
Basil Gummidge says, "You all right, <name>? Looks like we taught Sprunt a thing or two after all!"
You and Basil have both survived Sprunt's treachery

Objective 4

Basil Gummidge is in the Sparring Circle of Ost Forod.

You and Basil Gummidge have successfully overcome Cuthbert Sprunt's treachery. You should speak to Basil at once.

Basil Gummidge: 'I knew that Sprunt planned on cheating, I just knew it! It's a good thing I was here, <name>, but all's well that ends well, I always say. Or at least, I'm saying it now!
'Let men know when you're ready to return. We taught this villain a lesson, that much is certain, and I daresay his cronies won't be causing you any more trouble.'
Basil Gummidge: 'Ready to go? I certainly am. This was some good exercise, though, and I'm glad we've both come through it all right!'