Quest:Heritage: Of Lindon

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Heritage: Of Lindon
Level 1
Type Solo
Starts with Calbeniel
Starts at The Market of Rivendell
Start Region Rivendell
Map Ref [29.1S, 5.7W]
Quest Group Elf
Race(s) Elf
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Where is it that you come from?'


Register your heritage with the notary.

Objective 1

Elf notaries can be found in Duillond or Rivendell.

Lubathred: 'Ah... Lindon.
'You hail from Lindon, the green lands of the Elves between Ered Luin and the Sea, where Gil-galad, the last great Elf-king, once ruled. Círdan the Shipwright now rules there from Mithlond, the Grey Havens.'
Calbeniel: 'Ah... Lindon.
'You hail from Lindon, the green lands of the Elves between Ered Luin and the Sea, where Gil-galad, the last great Elf-king, once ruled. Círdan the Shipwright now rules there from Mithlond, the Grey Havens.'
Glorielhen: 'Ah... Lindon.
'You hail from Lindon, the green lands of the Elves between Ered Luin and the Sea, where Gil-galad, the last great Elf-king, once ruled. Círdan the Shipwright now rules there from Mithlond, the Grey Havens.'