Quest:Half-seas Over Nasar

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Half-seas Over Nasar
Level 99
Type Solo
Starts with Othor
Starts at Ost Lontir
Start Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [75.0S, 65.9W]
Ends with Othor
Ends at Ost Lontir
End Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [75.0S, 65.9W]
Quest Chain Ost Lontir
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'What am I to do, traveller?

'We are granted the good fortune of having the Enemy stumble into our town, but we have gotten naught but meandering stories about sailing from him so far. I have a feeling he might be more easily persuaded to part with his captain's plans if we provide him more ale.

'My men and I were sharing a drink earlier today by the fountains - perhaps three mugs will be enough to get him talking!'


After discovering a drunken Corsair wandering near Ost Lontir, Othor has decided to use the Corsair's fondness for ale to Gondor's advantage.

Objective 1

  • Collect mugs of ale for Nasar (0/3)

Mugs of ale can be found by the fountains in central Ost Lontir.

Othor has asked you to retrieve the mugs of ale he and his friends were sharing earlier.

Objective 2

  • Bring the mugs of ale to Nasar

Nasar can be found outside the west gate of Ost Lontir.

You have gathered a substantial amount of ale, and should now present it to Nasar.

Nasar: 'Ah... what's that *hic* you got there?
'Well, don't keep it all to yourself, <race>! Give it here!'
Nasar rapidly drinks all three mugs of ale
Nasar says, "A fine ale... my compliments *hic* to the brewer!"
Nasar says, "You must not have a very good time drinking so little, though. My men down on the coast... they know how it is done!"

Objective 3

Othor can be found just outside the west gate of Ost Lontir.

You have provided Nasar with ale, but he still seems to want more. You should talk to Othor.

Othor: 'He has already told me a few things of the Corsairs in Edhellond and spoke some nigh-incoherent ramblings about Tarlang's Crown. We need to know more!
'It pains me to do this, both for myself and my men... but I have no choice. I purchased a barrel of ale for my men this morning to raise spirits in Ost Lontir, but it seems nothing short of nearly drowning will satisfy this man.
'Return to me with the barrel, and we shall see what else we can get out of Nasar.'

Objective 4

  • Collect a barrel of ale for Othor

A barrel of ale can be found near one of the shops in Ost Lontir.

Othor has asked you to retrieve a barrel of ale he purchased for his men in hopes that it will be enough to keep Nasar talking.

Collected a barrel of ale for Othor

Objective 5

  • Deliver the barrel of ale to Othor

Othor can be found just outside the west gate of Ost Lontir.

You have retrieved the barrel of ale for Nasar. You should talk to Othor.

Othor: 'Did you see how his face lit up just now?
'I have a feeling this will be enough to draw some valuable secrets from him - secrets that I am sure Gilanor and the others here would be eager to exploit.
'I can take it from here, <name>... thank you again for your help!'
Nasar says, "Ah-ha! Now that... that might be enough!"
Nasar says, "Keep 'em coming, Swan-man!"