Quest:Ghâmpronk: Goblin-miners

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Ghâmpronk: Goblin-miners
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Waldeg
Starts at Snowbourn
Start Region Sutcrofts
Map Ref [60.4S, 62.2W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The goblins have found iron across the river to the south. They have done a great deal to flatten a hill-top and dig deep within it, going so far as to bring trolls to aid them. The more iron the Enemy has and the more weapons the Enemy has, the harder fought the battle becomes.

'Head across the river and defeat the goblins and trolls mining within Ghâmpronk.'


The goblins have flattened a hill in their search for iron.

Objective 1

Goblins and trolls can be found at Ghâmpronk.

Waldeg asked to venture to Ghâmpronk and defeat the goblins and trolls mining within.

Waldeg: 'Are you ready to venture across the river to Ghâmpronk?'
Enter the Public Instance: Ghâmpronk
Defeated goblins and trolls at Ghâmpronk (0/10)

Objective 2

Waldeg is at Snowbourn.

Waldeg will be pleased to hear the goblins are no longer mining at Ghâmpronk.

Waldeg: 'The goblins will come back, but even a few days without mining means a lot more weapons the Enemy will not have.'